There's that old saying: "What I don't know, won't hurt me." It may be true in some circumstances, but not when it comes to something that we all do way too much of, every single day — sitting. Research has shown that if you sit too much every day, you can expect:
You may already be feeling the effects of sitting too much. These conditions develop gradually, over time. You may be feeling some stiffness or pain in one of your knees... Or pain in your lower back... Or pain and stiffness in your neck... Or a significant drop in your overall energy... Or you may have noticed you're getting a little heavier every year. Unfortunately, all of these conditions will only get worse and worse if you continue to sit for long periods every day... The minor pain and stiffness in your knee can grow into intense pain that makes it difficult just to stand up and walk. It may even get so bad that you need knee replacement surgery, which is no picnic. Your lower back pain can become so chronic and so excruciating that it actually causes you to miss work for weeks, or even months. (SpineUniverse.com says, "Back pain is the second leading cause of absenteeism from work, after the common cold, and accounts for 15% of sick leaves. Back injuries cause 100 million lost days of work annually.") Your high blood sugar or blood pressure could develop into full-blown diabetes or cardiovascular disease, which can lead to a heart attack. Your weight gain could turn into obesity and put you at risk for cancer and many other diseases... and could ultimately shorten your life. What can you do? There actually is a fairly easy way to reverse the damage of sitting all day. There's something you can do that can not only reverse the damage of sitting all day, but it can also radically improve your health, it can relieve and eliminate back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and knee pain. It can decrease headaches. It can loosen and strengthen your hips. It can do all this and a lot more... It's totally natural... It's so easy and so gentle that any person can do it... It takes only a few minutes a day... And all you need is your body and a seat. You can learn all about it here.
Best, Rick Kaselj, MS |
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