URGENT WARNING Joe Biden's "Digital Money" Rollout Allows Government Spying of Every American Wired Magazine Says It's: "A Tool for Government Surveillance of Citizens and Control Over Their Financial Transactions." Fellow American Patriot, We know—that's scary. The Socialists are committed to destroying free society and our constitutional right to privacy. Digital money, it's here. The Federal Reserve is testing digital money with 120 Banks. Gold will soon be the only form of anonymous spending. Americans are now racing to buy gold to protect their money from unconstitutional spying—before it's too late. The world's biggest economies, including the United States, are rapidly ramping up to digitize their currency and end "paper cash." On the agenda: Eliminate or reduce untraceable, untaxable cash and crypto transactions, and clear the way to establish a national government-controlled digital currency. The legislation is already on the docket in the Senate. It's the new pro-digital dollar draft, Senate Bill 3571 - Banking for All Act. Learn more about the new governement controlled Digital Bank Accounts and how to protect your savings with this Complimentary Fedcoin Protection Guide. A white paper issued by the Fed's BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM titled: - Money and Payments: The U.S. Dollar in the Age of Digital Transformation, published January 2022.
Direct quotes from the white paper: It's like having spyware installed in your bank account. Malware that tracks your every move and reports it back to the powers that be. China and Russia have launched their digital currencies, and they are backed by gold. Ours, "Fedcoin," will be backed by our debt. We don't know it, but we're already enslaved! ACT NOW. It's important not to delay. Grab it here Complimentary Protection Guide. |
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