World-Renowned Preacher Warns Americans to ACT NOW Before Elites Confiscate Retirement Accounts
World-Renowned Preacher Warns Americans to TAKE ACTION Before Elites Confiscate Retirement Accounts
Hi there,
I'm Lance Wallnau, Christian author, educator and news analyst for thirty years. In 2016, I was one of the few evangelical leaders to accurately predict Donald Trump's Presidency and historic impact.
Now, heading into 2024, I want to warn you about something which will almost certainly negatively affect your life.
In fact, I urge you to forward this email to your loved ones. Because everyone deserves a chance to get out of harm's way.
So what is it? To be blunt, it's about...
The Total Control of All Financial Accounts ...Including ALL 401(k)s and IRAs
The Total Control of All Financial Accounts ...Including ALL 401(k)s and IRAs
This is a big prediction.
But I am now very confident this is coming to pass.
Why? Because of what happened at the recent G20 meeting! The most powerful people in the world could NOT stop talking about Central Bank Digital Currencies!
After all, they want to decide what you can do, think, and say. And forcing the use of CBDCs is the easiest way to do that.
This gives them the power to "approve" or "disapprove" every transaction you make.
Including Withdrawing Money From YOUR 401(k) or IRA
Including Withdrawing Money From YOUR 401(k) or IRA
However, thank God...
There are still options left for people who care about their liberty.
For example, by diversifying your 401(k) or IRA into precious metals, your hard-earned money can be stored inside something that can't be diluted, hacked into, shutdown, or deleted with the touch of a computer key.
Think about it. Gold is the ONE investment that has outlasted hyperinflation, wars, famine, and even the fall of civilizations.
Which is why I believe precious metals are the ultimate retirement asset!
This 20-page guide explains how to transfer your current retirement funds into a physical gold IRA without paying a dime in penalties or taxes.
I highly recommend you get it and read it over. Do this now!
Because given the discussions that happened at the G20, we don't have much time left!
Lance Wallnau News Analyst, Pastor, Author, and Speaker
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