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Transform your mom butt, in 6-minutes a day

Get a toned "apple bottom" your friends will envy & your spouse will drool over...

If you want a bigger... rounder... 

Perkier butt... 

But you can't be bothered to do heavy squats & deadlifts... 

99% of the fitness industry will tell you to get lost. 

Don't believe them. 

Thanks to a newly-discovered "4th Dimension" of your glute muscles…

(Verified by Arizona State University studies…)

THIS gentle 6-Minute Booty Sculpt transforms your flat "mom butt" into a STRONG set of glutes.

Not only does it build your butt without risking joint injury...

It also slims down your waist and improves flexibility. 

Letting you slip into clothes you haven't worn in YEARS. 

Your friends will think you've spent hours in the gym... 

But you'll delight in knowing you spent less than 10 minutes in your living room.

Discover the 6-minute sculpt right here.


Yours in healthy living,

Rick Kaselj, MS

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#2289 - 3151 Lakeshore Road, BC

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